HA! Just when you thought I'd never update this page, I slip in two more pictures... pretty sneaky, huh? Well, OK. It *is* only two more pictures. And one clearly needs more cleanup. But at least they're recent! Er. I can't find an entire roll of pictures from late last (97) season. Grr. Anyhow, here are two shots of li'l ol' me. Both were taken at Southern aka RPFS in 1997. Um. Enjoy. Or something.
Bethany smokes a customers tip (really!) at the New York Renaissance Festival:
Lady Joyce and hubby show off the costumes she made for 1992 at the New York Renaissance Festival:
Lady Joyce and hubby show off the new costumes she made for 1994 at the New York Renaissance Festival:
One cool thing they had at the New York Renaissance Festival is the Living Chess Game, which ties in the in-fighting amongst the nobility and culminates in a joust after the insult of the below melee:
I would be heartily remiss if I didn't include something about Pam and Gary Taylor, proprietors of Bullyeye Bota Bags (Finest wineskins you can buy. Period). Even though I don't work for them anymore (I teach juggling), they will always have a special place in heart as my first Faire employers:
RPFS has the best Ale Jam in the country, shown here being whipped into a frenzy by the Ale Jam Master himself, Rene, and kept from boiling over by the lovely water girls:
The Ale Jam is held around the May Pole, with the practitioners whirling frenetically around the May Pole:
RPFS also has many incredible battles, such as this one between the celts and the German mercenaries:
Hopefully, the Queen (shown here in procession) wears the finest clothing of all the nobles:
And many fine plays and performances are put on every day at Faire:
Naturally there is any manner of silliness at any Faire. Smaller ones, such as San Louis Obispo/Central Valley Faire here, get away with more liberties than they might at RPFS, funny though it may be:
Faire Thee Well!
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All text and images on these pages Copyright © 1997 K. Kalani Patterson